Research Center

Research Center

Research Center for Metamaterials

Editor:乌镇实验室 │ Release Time:2021-12-06 

The team is the first to propose the idea of merging of metamaterials and conventional materials in the world. Based on this core idea and focusing on several new metamaterial systems, the team leverages the advantages of metamaterials to provide disruptive technologies for many application fields.

The main priority of the team is to carry out original scientific researches and industrial developments with engineering prospects around metamaterial design, metamaterial processing and fabrications, metamaterial devices and applications, etc. By building an influential metamaterial R&D team at home and abroad, we endeavor to transform research superiorities into technological and industrial advantages, and promote the developments of metamaterials.

Fields of Application:

● New material industry, artificial intelligence, high-speed wireless communications.

● New energy, optical information technology, precise imaging.

● High-end precision equipment, intelligent manufacturing.